Fees and Payments

School fees may be paid online or at school. 


​Each year, schools submit fee requests that meet the criteria outlines by BVSD Policy JN and Colorado Revised Statute 22-32-117(2)(a)(c). The Board of Education must review and approve any fees that schools may charge for optional items to supplement the various grades/classes.

School fees will be communicated to families each year by classroom teachers and may be paid by:

Option 1: Online Payments

Fireside Elementary has created a Web Store using RevTrak, a national credit card payment processor, which provides families with a simple, secure, and convenient way of making online payments for your school fees. 


Option 2: Cash or Check

Families may send cash or check (payable to Fireside Elementary) to the Fireside office. Please write your child's first and last name and the classroom teacher to be sure the money is paid for the correct purpose.